Monday, February 25, 2008

Awash in washing machines :)

Is a washing machine a luxury item or a necessity these days? One caller when told that most of the Single Parents had asked for a washing machine each, snapped that "its more of a luxury and not a neccessity!" but when told that many of them like Babu have more than 3 kids to contend with on a daily basis conceeded that perhaps a washing machine in this case would help.

So anyway after the NST wrote of Babu's need for a washing machine, there were several calls, one of whom came from a very nice chap who offered his old but still working washing machine. I said that's okay and then asked him for his address only to discover that he lives in Klebang... er.. Malacca ...ouch, I dread to think of the cost of transporting the old machine so I politely turned it down. The point is, he was kind enough to want to help and that's really touching indeed.

Meanwhile, here's a pix of both Babu and one of his sons collecting the brand new washing machine, a gift from Mrs Siva who had purchased it specially for him and had it delivered to Jumble Station where I could snap his happy pix before letting him take it back to his place at Desa Mentari. Babu had earlier rented a lorry to collect some furniture for JS and having unloaded the items there, was more than happy to take his new found 'help' home while Rainah too was a very happy recipient of a brand new washing machine from Josephine of Subang - at least now she need not to have to wash by hand the clothes of her four very boisterous boys....JS hopes that there are some more generous souls out there who can help fulfill the wishlist of some of the Single Parents which can be viewed on this blog... Antz

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